Our Services
What We Offer
Currently The EIU provides a range of products to support the strategic intelligence needs of the City of Wolverhampton and the Borough Councils of Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall, the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and the Midlands Engine.
The EIU has the skillset and expertise to apply all of its activities to various geographical levels including low level geographies and can provide a flexible intelligence response to meet bespoke requirements on a one-off or ongoing basis.
The EIU team is equipped at providing a variety of intelligence and information around business competitiveness and business dynamism. We are able to analyse low level data to form a fully researched picture of local business bases, sector strengths, dynamism issues and gaps in the make-up of local economies. Some examples of this:
- Business base segmentation including strategic companies’ identification, high growth / scaleup / innovative companies identification.
- Current business insights from existing networks (such as business representative organisations and trade bodies); including macro and firm-level intelligence.
- Creating an understanding of business dynamism, looking at quarterly / yearly trends in business births and deaths.
- Sector profiles and sector intelligence – barriers and future growth opportunities – linked to skills opportunities and trade / investment opportunities.
The EIU team is highly skilled at providing a variety of intelligence and information around place based agendas due to the fine granular and low level geographic data and knowledge base. We understand the communities across the Black Country and this is evident in the work produced. Some examples of this:
- Measuring Success via an Annual Economic Review – a Place Based Narrative comprising a range of indicators across productivity, employment and skills, infrastructure, competitiveness, sustainability, and public service reform - and covering economic, social, fiscal and environmental impact across the 4 Black Country Local Authorities, creating a one-stop-shop for data and intelligence across the sub-region.
- Provision of extensive GIS and mapping facility. Because we understand the ‘total place’ – strategy and delivery we are the only intelligence unit that brings it all together in one place so we have the full Evidence-Strategy-Delivery-Impact story for all areas down to postcode level.
- Uniquely we can support via joint working the cross-thematic spatial analysis of all activity across an Authority to understand the outcomes required against priority areas, what activities is going on to support them, how far it will get us and what else is required. This includes development of Place based storymaps and dashboards which provides that critical link from evidence based approach to strategy development leader to delivery and ultimate impact.
The EIU team is equipped at providing a variety of intelligence and information around local economies to inform evidence basis and support the growth of strong and inclusive economies across the region. Some examples of this:
- Creating an understanding of the total economy, looking at yearly trends in GVA.
- Provide the latest regional business activity intelligence – enabling real time monitoring of the impact of major economic shocks such as Covid19, Brexit, the war in Ukraine and the cost of living / doing business crisis.
- Using the commissioned Oxford Economic model and inhouse capacity to access a rich array of consistent and timely economic, social, demographic and environmental data as well as modelling alternative futures.
The EIU team have expertise to help partners understand the communities and people living and working across the Black Country and how new policies or economic shocks will impact on people. Some examples of this:
- Clear understanding of the local demographic profile of people who live and work in the local area
- Ability to develop a series of storymaps highlighting key areas in need of investment, with the aim to attract investors and new businesses to the borough to create more jobs and higher skilled, better paid jobs.
- Bespoke Analysis on local skills needs, mapping and gapping need across the Borough and the performance of local schools.
- Labour market intelligence, looking at key indicators such as employment levels and mapping of claimant counts
Our Services
Our services include, but are not limited to:
- Economic and social trends, both qualitative and quantitative.
- Comprehensive assessments of labour markets and the skills ecosystem.
- Inclusive growth including health, social mobility and deprivation analysis.
- In-depth reports on changes in local infrastructure and the environment.
- Business intelligence, including the identification of sectoral clusters.
- Evaluation, including interim and final evaluations, along with process, impact and economic evaluations of both programmes and policies.
- Spatial analysis, presenting findings through easy-to-understand maps.
Our Partner Impact
By providing a robust evidence base we have enabled partners to:
- Better understand local needs and opportunities therefore targeting investment for the greatest economic and social impact.
- Produce stronger business cases which have secured greater investment for the region.
- Evidence local insights and impact in response to Government policy.
- Compare and benchmarks areas.
- Partners have continued to value the assets of The EIU and its reputation and expertise has grown and it is valued regionally and nationally.
- The EIU represent the area on a number of national Boards including ERC, ONS and City Redi.
Examples of evidence in action:
- The EIU provided the evidence to underpin the establishment of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership (BCLEP) and was a fundamental asset to the BCLEP.
- The EIU received recognition nationally by central government on its evidence driven case making The EIU provided the evidence base required for the first Black Country City Deal.
- On the establishment of the WMCA the partnership recognised the strength of the existing EIU and utilised The EIU to provide the evidence base to underpin the WMCA Strategic Economic Plan and the Local Industrial Strategy.
- The EIU subsequently was part of the successful consortium to establish the Midlands Engine Observatory and subsequently provide the delivery of the function to the region.